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England is a Forest

England is a Forest is a collaborative and experimental illustrated forest. It is a virtual map and exhibition with its physical debut at Sluice [Vernacular] Colchester 2024. 


Image: detail from The Lucombe Oak by Clare Rogers, 2024, Pencil on paper, 16x22cm


Bury my songs

‘You retreat to the woods, but the silence is booming.
Thick with the mist of age-old spirits and journeys long trodden before you…’

A group exhibition exploring the ways in which dislocation affects our relationship with landscape.

@terrace_gallery Lea Bridge Library, London E10

Pocket Thicket

Pocket Thicket at the Brixton Beneficiary is an experimental installation by transnational artists Sylwia Narbutt and Monica Perez Vega which responds to the idea of Genius loci or Spirit of Place

Weary Harold

Group exhibition at ASC Gallery that looks to the spaces between weary and wonder; familiar and fatigued, experience and exploit. Inspired by the Byronic hero from the epic poem, Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage.

Wild Grapes

Wild grapes are an uncultivated entanglement; a dance of shape and line. They are gnarly, persistent and exist against great odds; a thriving luxuriance amidst aridity. 

Group exhibition at Unit 3 Project Space.


For the first issue of SWAG Zine, 12 artists contributed to this experimental zine project. Each artist submitted an artwork which was then anonymously shared to another participating artist- who reciprocated a written response. The responses could take any form and range from essay, poetry, free-form and fiction. ​

artists exhibited

Adrienne Mary Smiley, Alexander Curry, Alice Diakova, Alison Chaplin, Alison Griffin, Alys Mendus, Amanda Bates, Anna Choutova, Anna Harris, Anya Kashina, Anna Walsh, Annabel Harris, Anne Blackwell-Fox, Annie Livesey, Archie Rogers, Barbara Howey, Beccy Bloomfield, Ben Coleman, Ben Stephenson, Betsey Kilpatrick, Betty Lau, Buer, Carl Form, Carolyn Blake, C Masom, Crimson Boner, Christine Rollitt, Claire Winfield, Clare Rogers, Clouds Lin, Dawnika To, Didi Baldwin, Dora Anderson-Taylor, Dr Emma Coleman-Jones, Eliza Brown, Emma Can See Monsters, Emma J. Williams, Emma Munday, Evelina Zakharov, Farnaz Gholami, Gabriela Giroletti, Gill Hutchings, Grace Clifford, Hannah Campion, Hannah Rollings, Hanzhi Zhong, Heather McAteer, Heidi Baines, Helen Baines, Holly Holmes, Hyun Yoon, Imogen Patel, Iryna Zaitseva, Jack Sutherland, Jacqueline Freeman, Jane Peacock, Jane Walker, Jazmin Donaldson, Jenia Demchenko, Jione Choi, Jennifer Rose, Jenny Marshall, Jo Rance, Joe Tymkow, Julie Caves, Juli Fejer, Julie Moss, Justine Formentelli, Justine Varah, Julie-Ann Simpson, Kaori Homma, Karen Howse, Karolina Albricht, Katie Evans, Kiri Bull, Kooi Chock Glendinning, Lane Shipsey, Lara Cobden, Lauren Brine, Lauren Towner, Lee Johnson, Liam Mertens, Lindsey Mclean, Louise Marlborough, Lucy Springall, Maggie Learmonth, Marcia Teusink, Margaret Ann Liversidge, Martin Clarkson, Mary Wood, Matt Greenhill, Michal Raz, Lucy Smallbone, Lyn Hodnett, Meryn Weaver, Monica Perez Vega, Nick Jordan, Olivia Mansfield, Pat Naylor, Pauline Rigby, Penny Thorpe, Phoebe McMullan, Pippa Choy, Rebecca Byrne, Renáta Fernandez, Rose Dufton, Roxanne Simone, Roxanne Weller, Rubin Jiang, Sarah Chapman, Sarah Figlio, Sarah Moore, Sarah Tew, Sebastian Espejo Vent, Shaun Morris, Silvana McCallum, So-Ha Au, Sonja Dimitrova, Stephanie Norris, Steven Brown, Susie Wright, Sylwia Narbutt, Tamsin Lea-Alex, Tom Norman, Tom Farthing, Uzma Sultan, Valerie Large, Valerie Kuzina, Vicki Lea-Alex, Warren Garland, Warwick Lea-Alex, Yan Cowles, Yiwei Xu, Yuchen Bian, Zhenzhen Tian